在九十+的瑰夏莊園裏,有一條從農場房屋通向咖啡乾燥區的路。在這條路上走的時候,會看到一排異常美麗的曼陀羅。在傍晚時分,這些鐘形的花兒散發出迷人的香氣令人陶醉,而這種香氣也僅僅只能持續一個小時左右。我們戲稱這種花香爲“夜色美人”。關於曼陀羅還有一個傳說。據說有一個巴拿馬當地的土著部落會在晚上睡覺時將這種花放在枕頭底下來保佑自己免受侵害,他們認爲曼陀羅有保護家庭的特殊能量。除了曼陀羅,顛茄、天仙子和曼德拉草也同屬於“巫草”類家族,由於這幾種植物都被認爲具有神祕力量,所以常常被巫師拿來調製有魔力的飲料。曼陀羅是巫師在調配愛情魔藥時必不可少的成分,飲下愛情魔藥的人可以得到心愛的人,但曼陀羅也常常會被巫師調配成一種會導致人發瘋或致死的毒藥。有一次我們在感官實驗室裏做一款咖啡的小量蒸汽化風味評估時,突然聞到了這款咖啡裏金銀花、橘子、牛奶巧克力和花香的混合味道,這種味道把我們一下子帶回到了那個走在長着曼陀羅的路上的傍晚。它柔和且富有女性陰柔氣質的味覺讓我們久久地沉浸在對曼陀羅花和莎士比亞著作—— 《羅密歐與朱麗葉》悲劇愛情故事的深思中,因此,我們把這款咖啡命名爲“朱麗葉咖啡”。
產地 九十+巴拿馬瑰夏莊園
海拔 1250m-1650m
品種 埃塞俄比亞的傳家寶瑰夏原生種
處理方式 蜜處理
風味特徵 在瑰夏種本身風味的基礎上又富有花香氣味,入口品嚐會有橘子皮、焦糖、幹腰果果實的味道。
94 pts (Juliette Red) – 2013 – Namusairo Coffee http://www.coffeereview.com/review.cfm?ID=3343
Juliette H2 L39
At Ninety Plus Gesha Estates, a road runs from the farm house to our Solkiln/ drying area. Walking this road, one passes by a particularly beautiful row of plants called Datura. In early evening, these bell flowers emit a compelling fragrance that only lasts an hour or so. We have nicknamed these floral beauties “mujer de la noche” meaning “woman of the evening.” Legend has it that the native Gnobe tribe would pick these flowers to place under their pillows as a sleep aid. Datura belongs to the classic plant family of “Witch’s Weeds” along with Deadly Nightshade, Henbane, and Mandrake. Datura was an essential ingredient of love potions and witches’ brews, and has a long history of causing delirium and death. During the particle and vapor stages of evaluation in Sensory Room, we were brought back to that evening walk on the estate by honeysuckle, tangerine zest, milk chocolate, and floral fragrance. Juliette’s delicate, feminine taste profile focused our minds on Datura flowers and on the iconic character from Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet.
Origin: Ninety Plus Panama Gesha Estate
Elevation: 1250m-1650m
Varietal: Ethiopian Heirloom Gesha
Processing: Honey
Taste Profile
Orange peel, gesha, floral, caramel, dried cashew fruit

前街咖啡已可在Tmall選購,60種來自世界各地咖啡豆,新鮮烘焙 24H發貨。
Tmall link:https://qianjieshipin.tmall.com
或直接在淘寶搜尋 「前街旗艦店」