作者:未知 來源:咖啡豆: 咖啡知識 > 咖啡種類 > 2025-03-21 14:29:00
前街咖啡已可在Tmall選購,60種來自世界各地咖啡豆,新鮮烘焙 24H發貨。
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或直接在淘寶搜尋 「前街旗艦店」
2018-04-11 21:09:00 責任編輯:未知
埃塞俄比亞咖啡- 耶加雪菲咖啡- 西達摩咖啡- (耶加雪菲水洗和日曬)-
肯尼亞咖啡- 盧旺達咖啡- 坦桑尼亞咖啡-亞洲產區
本站推薦: 卡蒂姆咖啡豆| 季風馬拉巴咖啡| 牙買加咖啡| 西達摩花魁| 耶加雪啡咖啡| 埃塞俄比亞咖啡| 耶加雪菲咖啡| 巴西黃波旁咖啡| 巴拿馬水洗花蝴蝶| 尼加拉瓜馬拉卡杜拉咖啡豆| 羅布斯塔咖啡豆特點| 阿拉比卡咖啡豆的特點| 巴西摩吉安納咖啡| 巴西咖啡豆風味特點| 烏干達咖啡豆風味| 西達摩咖啡豆特點| 後谷咖啡雲南小粒咖啡| 埃塞俄比亞紅櫻桃咖啡| 哥斯達黎加塔拉珠咖啡| 單品摩卡咖啡豆的特點| 盧旺達單品咖啡| 布隆迪咖啡風味| 哥斯達黎加咖啡黑蜜口感| 巴拿馬卡杜拉咖啡| 巴西喜拉多咖啡特點|
專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style)
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title | '喝咖啡的好處與壞處與咖啡豆種類也有關?12個咖啡種類圖解' |
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keywords | '咖啡,好處,壞處,咖啡豆,種類,有關,12個,圖解,專業,咖' |
description | '專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 咖啡種類 每次與人相約在咖啡店見面,點咖啡時是否看不懂菜單, 不知道該要哪一種? 下面的圖解釋了12種 咖啡的區別,分享給大家: 許多人喜歡喝咖啡,但對咖啡的觀念卻不一定正確' |
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content | '<span style="font-size:16px;"><img alt="" src="/uploads/allimg/180411/3-1P411210P5400.jpg" style="width: 800px; height: 533px;" /></span><br /> <h2 style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 28px; margin: 0px 0px 0.8em; outline: 0px; zoom: 1; font-size: 19px; font-weight: normal; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px 0px 2px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 193, 233); font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: 30px; font-family: "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", メイリオ, Meiryo, "MS Pゴシック", sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; width: auto;"> <span style="font-size:16px;"><font style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; zoom: 1; box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: inherit;">專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style )</font></span></h2> <ul style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin: 0px 0px 20px; outline: 0px; zoom: 1; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", メイリオ, Meiryo, "MS Pゴシック", sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; list-style: none outside;"> <li style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 20px; margin: 0px 0px 12px; outline: 0px; zoom: 1; list-style: none; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-position: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-alternates: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: 18px; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: url(https://coffeemecca.jp/wp-content/themes/coffee/images/coffeelist.png); background-size: 0.8em; background-attachment: scroll; background-color: transparent; background-position: 4px 3px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;"> <div style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; zoom: 1;"> <div> <a href="http://www.gafei.com/kafeidou/2017/1117111988.html"><span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡種類</span></a></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">每次與人相約在咖啡店見面,點咖啡時是否看不懂菜單,</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">不知道該要哪一種?</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">下面的圖解釋了12種 咖啡的區別,分享給大家:</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">許多人喜歡喝咖啡,但對咖啡的觀念卻不一定正確,最近收到一封來自新光醫訊第98期/ 營養師陳淑美的文章,覺得很棒,也反映出新光醫訊及營養師對刊物的用心,看一下這篇文章吧!今天要來介紹〝咖啡新觀念〞的相關資訊。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">【咖啡新觀念】</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">“來一杯咖啡”已經成爲現在最流行,最常見的交際方式。絕太多數的西方人將它視爲日常生活的一部份;在臺灣,特別是最近這幾年,一家家各式風格的咖啡店,如雨後春筍般出現於臺北街頭,可見,咖啡文化已深植臺北人的心。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡的魅力,讓許多人留戀其中,除了品嚐一杯好喝的咖啡外,更增添了不少生活樂趣。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">但是您知道嗎?享受一杯美味咖啡的同時,更對您的健康有意想不到的助益呢!在你下回品嚐時,不妨對咖啡先有以下的健康認知。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">抗憂鬱》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">少量的咖啡可使人精神振奮,心情愉快,紓解憂鬱的現象。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">控制體重》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡因能提高人體消耗熱量的速率,一項研究現100毫克的咖啡因(約1杯咖啡),可加速脂肪分解,能使人體的新陳代謝率,增加百分之三至四,增加熱能的消耗,適量飲用,有減重效果。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">促進消化》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡因會刺激交感神經,提高胃液分泌,如果在飯後適量飲用,有助消化。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">利尿》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡具利尿作用,可提高排尿量,因而使上廁所次數增加。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">改善便祕》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡可刺激腸胃激素或蠕動激素,產生通便作用,可當快速通便劑。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">降低患腸癌或直腸癌的機率》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡含有天然抗氧化物。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">止痛》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡因做爲一個藥品時,可以加強某些止痛劑的效果。(可減緩偏頭痛 YaHui)</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">增強身體敏捷度》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡因也有助於在運動時,使運動閥值降低,增加身體的敏捷度,使運動員締造較好的成績。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">降低得膽結石的機會》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">最新來自哈佛大學公共衛生學院的一項研究指出,每天喝2——3杯咖啡者比起從不喝的人,平均得到膽結石的機會小了40﹪。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">此外,咖啡所含的單寧酸,具有收斂性及止血、防臭的作用。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">※咖啡對身體的危害</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">※哪些人應該少喝咖啡?</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">當身體出現以下狀況或疾病時,應少喝咖啡</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•發育中的兒童</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•懷孕期間</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•正在授乳的婦女</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•老年人</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•空腹前(或飯前)</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•腹瀉者</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•胃酸過多的人</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•患有胃及十二指腸胃潰瘍者</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•患有腸道過敏綜合症者</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•抽菸的人</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•喝酒之後</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•容易失眠的人</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•有精神方面疾病的人</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•正在服用鎮定劑的人</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">•應限制鉀攝取的腎臟病患</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡的健康學問》</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">醫界研究指出,每天喝咖啡最好的時間是:</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">春冬季的下午三至五時,夏秋季的下午四至六時,因爲這是人體最疲憊的時刻。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">此外,要健康的享受咖啡美味,還須留意以下事項:</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">1.每天喝三杯咖啡(每杯約150cc)以上咖啡,即容易造成上癮併產生心悸,危害身體健康。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">2.早晨喝咖啡的確有助於頭腦清醒、精神抖擻,但須先喫早餐後,才能飲用,否則容易傷害腸胃功能。有胃及十二脂腸胃潰瘍的人,尤其應避免空腹喝咖啡。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">3.酒後不宜喝咖啡,否則會更刺激血管擴張、加快血液循環,增加心血管的負擔。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">4.喝了咖啡約十至十五分鐘,即有提神醒腦的作用,所以睡前不要喝咖啡,以免失眠。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">5.勿喝太濃的咖啡,否則會使人變得急躁且理解力減弱。(心跳也會加速 YaHui)</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">6.喝咖啡後,不能馬上抽菸,否則容易對心臟造成危害。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">7.服用抗生素和胃潰瘍治療藥物,不可同時喝咖啡,以免刺激胃部,造成疼痛不適。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">8.喝咖啡時最好加一些奶精,以緩和對胃的刺激,但是奶精與糖皆有熱量,須控制攝取量,以免發胖。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">適量的咖啡攝取,對人體應該無傷,所有的食物都是上天恩賜。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">因此下次在你悠悠閒閒品嚐一杯咖啡時,除了讓你享受優閒、輕鬆的氣氛,達到紓解壓力、放鬆身心、消除疲勞的作用外,這杯小小的咖啡正爲你的身體健康築起了一道堅強防線,小心地保護著您,只要記得別喝得太多哦!</span></div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;"><a href="http://www.gafei.com/kafeidou/2017/1117111988.html" style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit;">咖啡種類</a>: Types of Coffee :</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Take a look at the different types of coffees that you can order in a Coffee House. Have you ever wondered what they actually were? Below is a list of the different types of coffees you can order at most Coffee Houses.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">看看咖啡館裏各種各樣不同種類的咖啡吧。您有沒有想過它們到底是什麼樣的?以下這份是大多數咖啡館都會提供的咖啡種類清單。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Espresso</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">The word "espresso" is①derived from the Italian word for express since espresso is made for and served immediately to the customer. The espresso should drip out of the filter like warm honey, have a deep reddish-brown color, and a cream that②makes up 10-30% of the beverage. Espresso brewing is defined by four "M's": the Macinazione is the correct grinding of a coffee blend, Miscela is the coffee blend, Macchina is the espresso machine, and Mano is the skilled hand of the barista. When each factor of the four M's is precisely controlled, the espresso beverage that is produced is the ultimate coffee experience.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">意大利濃咖啡</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">“Espresso”這個詞出自意大利語“快速”,因爲意大利濃咖啡的製作及送到消費者手裏的速度都相當快。意大利濃咖啡就像暖蜜似地從過濾器裏緩緩滴落,深紅棕色的,奶油含量達到10%至30%。意大利濃咖啡的釀造可以用4個M來定義:Macinazione代表一種正確的混合咖啡的研磨方法; Miscela是咖啡混合物; Macchina是製作意大利濃咖啡的機器; Mano代表煮咖啡的師傅的熟練技術手法。只有這四個M中的每一個要素都被精確地掌握,煮出的意大利濃咖啡纔是最棒的。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Of the many ways to prepare coffee, the espresso method is perhaps the epitome of true coffee creation. This system, which is a small wonder of chemistry and physics, allows the coffee to reach its maximum intensity of taste and consistency. With espresso, the ground coffee releases not only the soluble substances that provide flavor, but also the insoluble ones that increase its body and aroma.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">When we taste espresso coffee, we are at once struck by its concentrated flavor and aromas, which distinguish it from coffee made by other methods. Aroma and body are the two dimensions which add to the flavor of espresso coffee.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">在製作咖啡的衆多方法之中,或許只有意大利濃咖啡纔可以表達真正的咖啡愛好者的最高要求。這種製作體系是化學和物理學上的一個小奇蹟,它讓咖啡在最大限度上保留了原有的味道和濃度。用這樣的方法來煮咖啡,不僅能讓咖啡釋放出咖啡香中的可溶解物質,而且能分解其他不可溶物質,這些物質能增強咖啡的品質和香味。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">喝意大利濃咖啡時,只需嘗一小口我們就會迅速被其濃郁的口味和香氣所折服,這正是意大利濃咖啡與其他咖啡的不同之處。香味和濃度是衡量意大利濃咖啡是否好喝的兩個尺度。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Latte</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Espresso with steamed milk and in some shops, a small cap of foam. It has less foam than a cappuccino.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Definitions blur easily here. In Australia, 'Latte' gets you a glass with a shot of espresso and lots of milk and some foam. Latte seems to have originated as the breakfast drink of Sydney commuters.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">拿鐵咖啡</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">這是一種含有蒸牛奶的濃咖啡,在一些咖啡店裏,咖啡頂部會有少量泡沫。它比卡布奇諾咖啡的泡沫要少一些。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">關於拿鐵咖啡的定義並不是太明確。在澳大利亞,若要喝“拿鐵咖啡”,你會得到一杯裝了許多牛奶和一些泡沫的濃咖啡。拿鐵咖啡以前似乎是經常乘火車來來往往的人的早餐飲品。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Cappuccino</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Cappuccino is a shot of espresso with the remainder being 50% steamed milk and 50% milk foam/froth. An alternative description is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 foamed milk. But again, this depends very much on the maker. Many places use more steamed milk and less froth. A man states “The foam should follow the milk to the cup naturally.”</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">But just the opposite is true in other places. As one man said “I just started working as a barista, here in Berkeley, about a month ago. When I was shown how to make Cappuccino's, I was told that a Cappuccino has no steamed milk - only foam. One day, an Italian gentleman ordered a cappuccino from me, and I hadn't let the foam sit long enough and a tiny bit of milk seeped into the shot of espresso. He asked for another cappuccino, saying I hadn't made it right, so I asked him how it was done. He made another one, and it was a jet black shot of espresso with more than just a dollop of foam on top.”</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">卡布奇諾咖啡</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">卡布奇諾咖啡是另一種濃咖啡,含有50%蒸牛奶和50%泡沫牛奶。也可以說含有1/3濃咖啡,1/3蒸牛奶和1/3泡沫牛奶。但是,這也得取決於製作咖啡的人。許多地方會使用更多蒸牛奶和更少泡沫。有人說“泡沫應該隨著牛奶自然溶入杯中。”</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">在另一些地方,相反的解釋纔是正確的。有人這麼寫道,“一個月前,我剛開始在伯克利咖啡館工作。別人向我演示如何製作卡布奇諾咖啡時對我說卡布奇諾咖啡是沒有蒸牛奶的,只有泡沫。一天,一位來自意大利的紳士要卡布奇諾咖啡時,我並沒有加入很多泡沫,並且只加了很少的牛奶進入裝有濃咖啡的小杯子裏。他要我重新給他一杯卡布奇諾咖啡,說我這杯做得不對,所以我就問他怎麼做纔是正確的。他爲我做了一杯,那是一杯十分濃黑的意大利濃咖啡,在它的頂部是一大團泡沫。”</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Mocha</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Mocha was a port in Yemen - a major coffee-growing country located in southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula - and it③has NOTHING to do with chocolate!</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">One source states "However, my dictionary lists Mocha as 'a flavoring obtained from a combined infusion of coffee and chocolate' usage as④dating from the early 19th century "</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">The American Heritage Dictionary gives the following 4 definitions:</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">1. A rich, pungent Arabian coffee.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">2. Coffee of high quality.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">3. A flavoring made of coffee often mixed with chocolate.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">4. A dark olive brown colour.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">摩卡咖啡</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">摩卡是也門的一個港口。也門位於西南亞,在阿拉伯半島的南角,是主要的咖啡生產國。摩卡這個詞與巧克力是沒有一點關係的!</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">有人這麼寫到,“在我的字典中有關摩卡的解釋是,一種從咖啡和巧克力的混合物中提取的調味品,從19世紀早期開始使用。”</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">美國傳統字典給出了下面4種解釋:</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">1.濃郁且有刺激性的;</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">2.一種高品質的咖啡;</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">3.一種混合了巧克力咖啡飲品;</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">4.一種深橄欖褐色。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Well-known coffees are characterized by the regions where they are grown. Climate and soil qualities can make subtle changes to the flavour of the resulting coffee. The tropical island of Jamaica has ideal conditions for</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">藍山咖啡</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">著名的咖啡都用出產地來描述其特徵。氣候和土質都最終會給咖啡口味帶來細微的變化。牙買加的熱帶島嶼擁有種植咖啡的絕佳條件。島嶼的大部</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">growing coffee. Much of the island is covered with mountainous regions, including the Blue Mountains which is the tallest range on the island. The Blue Mountains are a perfect blend of rich, hot climate, plenty of rainfall and high altitude. At nearly 7,500 feet above sea level, this is one of the highest coffee regions in the world.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">Coffee is not native to Jamaica. Beans were brought to the island in 1728 by the governor at that time. Blue Mountain coffee has a very clean taste, with a noticable sweetness. The flavour is bold, smooth and rich. Because of the rather restricted geographical range where it is grown, Blue Mountain is available in limited quantities and can sometimes be difficult to find.</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">分都被山地覆蓋著,包括作爲島嶼的最高地帶的藍山山區。藍山山區是一塊富饒的土地,那裏炎熱的氣候、充足的降水和高海拔完美地結合在一起。在海拔將近7500英尺的地方是世界上咖啡出產量最高的地方。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡不是牙買加土生土長的。咖啡豆是於1728年被總督帶到島嶼上的。藍山咖啡有著非常純正的口味,而且帶著甜味。它的味道醇厚,順滑,濃烈。因其生長的地理區域相當狹小,因此藍山咖啡的產量也十分有限,有時甚至難以買到</span></div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">咖啡飲料的</span><a href="http://www.gafei.com/kafeidou/2017/1117111988.html" style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit;"><span style="font-size: 16px;">種類</span></a></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">拿鐵咖啡咖啡店供應的許多品種咖啡有各種各樣的添加調味劑,如巧克力、酒、薄荷、丁香、檸檬汁、奶油、奶精等,各民族的人喝咖啡的口味也不同。以下是一些常見的咖啡種類:</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">黑咖啡(black coffee):又稱“清咖啡”,香港俗稱“齋啡”——直接用咖啡豆燒製的咖啡,不添加奶、糖等會影響咖啡原味的飲用方式。速溶咖啡是不屬於黑咖啡的範圍的。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">白咖啡(white coffee):馬來西亞特產,起源於怡保鎮,是指用黃油烘培的咖啡豆,衝煮後,加入甜煉乳的飲品。從本質上是一種拿鐵咖啡。在美國,白咖啡也指輕度烘培的咖啡豆,使用義式衝煮,具有較強酸味的咖啡。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">加味咖啡(flavored-coffee):依據各地口味的不同,在咖啡中加入巧克力、糖漿、果汁、肉桂、肉豆蔻、橘子花等不同調料。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">義式濃縮咖啡(Espresso):以熱水藉由高壓衝過研磨成很細的咖啡粉末衝煮出咖啡。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">卡布奇諾(Cappuccino):蒸汽加壓煮出的濃縮咖啡加上攪出泡沫(或蒸汽打發)的牛奶,有時還依需求加上肉桂或香料或巧克力粉。通常咖啡、牛奶和牛奶沫的比例各佔1/3。另也可依需求加上兩份濃縮咖啡,稱爲“Double”。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">拿鐵咖啡(Caffè latte):“Caffè latte”爲意大利文音譯;拿鐵咖啡又稱“歐蕾咖啡”(Cafe au lait),法文音譯─咖啡加上大量的熱牛奶和糖。又稱“咖啡牛奶”—中文釋意,由一份濃縮咖啡加上兩份以上的熱牛奶。另也可依需求加上兩份濃縮咖啡,稱爲“Double”。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">瑪奇哈朵(Macchiato):在濃縮咖啡上放上適量蒸汽打發奶泡。Macchiato意大利文原義便是“被牛奶弄髒的咖啡”。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">摩卡咖啡(Caffè Mocha):咖啡中加入巧克力、牛奶和攪拌奶油,有時加入冰塊。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">美式咖啡(American Coffee / Americano):濃縮咖啡加上大量熱水。比普通的濃縮咖啡柔和。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">愛爾蘭咖啡(Irish Coffee):在咖啡中加入威士忌,頂部放上奶油。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">維也納咖啡(Viennese):由奧地利馬車伕愛因·舒伯納發明,在咖啡中加入巧克力糖漿、鮮奶油,並灑上糖制的七彩米。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">越南咖啡(Vietnamese Coffee):將咖啡粉盛在金屬特殊的炮製過濾器,倒入滾水,讓咖啡一滴一滴流到杯子裏;等咖啡滴完,隨每個人口味加糖或者加點煉奶攪拌好即可飲用,在越南有兩種飲法是冷飲和熱飲的。熱飲的咖啡,人們主要在冬天飲用,泡製的時候將杯子放在另一個有熱水的小碗裏以保暖;冷飲咖啡則多在炎熱的夏季飲用,在泡製後的咖啡中加入冰塊而成。</span></div> <div> </div> <div> <span style="font-size:16px;">曼特寧咖啡(Mandeling coffee):產於亞洲印度尼西亞的蘇門答臘,別稱蘇門答臘咖啡。風味非常濃郁,香、苦、醇厚,帶有少許的甜味。</span></div> </div> </li> </ul> <h2 style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 28px; margin: 0px 0px 0.8em; outline: 0px; zoom: 1; font-size: 19px; font-weight: normal; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px 0px 2px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 193, 233); font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: 30px; font-family: "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", メイリオ, Meiryo, "MS Pゴシック", sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; width: auto;"> </h2> ' |
tag | '咖啡,好處,壞處,咖啡豆,種類,有關,12個,圖解,專業,咖' |
kws | array ( '咖啡' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E5%92%96%E5%95%A1.html', '好處' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E5%A5%BD%E8%99%95.html', '壞處' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E5%A3%9E%E8%99%95.html', '咖啡豆' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E5%92%96%E5%95%A1%E8%B1%86.html', '種類' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E7%A8%AE%E9%A1%9E.html', '有關' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E6%9C%89%E9%97%9C.html', '12個' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-12%E5%80%8B.html', '圖解' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E5%9C%96%E8%A7%A3.html', '專業' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E5%B0%88%E6%A5%AD.html', '咖' => 'https://gafei.com/article/search/keyword-%E5%92%96.html', ) |
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prev_page | array ( 'id' => '116714', 'catid' => '664', 'title' => '咖啡種類繁多,入門新手如何快速確認最適合自己的單品咖啡?', 'thumb' => '/uploads/allimg/180407/3-1P40G4121GS.jpg', 'keywords' => '咖啡,種類繁多,入門,新手,如何,快速,確認,適合,自己的,', 'description' => '專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 咖啡種類 作爲一名咖啡新手,在進咖啡館的時候, 想 你也可以和咖啡師先確認一下眼神,確認好眼神, 跟店員描述一下自己喜歡什麼味道的咖啡,沒必要像專業咖啡品評一樣說的很專業', 'hits' => '197', 'uid' => '1', 'author' => '未知', 'status' => '9', 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/views-116714', 'link_id' => '0', 'tableid' => '0', 'inputip' => '', 'inputtime' => '1523081804', 'updatetime' => '1523081802', 'displayorder' => '115945', 'source' => '', 'buyurl' => '', 'videourl' => '', 'wjm' => '', 'biaoti' => '', 'shopurl' => '', 'litpic2' => '', 'litpic3' => '', 'beanrank' => '', 'local' => '', 'tel' => '', 'gevideocode' => '', 'myurl' => NULL, ) |
next_page | array ( 'id' => '116808', 'catid' => '664', 'title' => '常見的星巴克咖啡種類介紹 星巴克咖啡種類及特點圖解', 'thumb' => '/uploads/allimg/180411/3-1P411211004b0-lp.jpg', 'keywords' => '常見,巴克,咖啡,種類,介紹,特點,圖解,', 'description' => '專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 星巴克的成功並不在於其咖啡品質的優異,輕鬆、溫馨氣氛的感染纔是星巴克制勝不二的法寶。因爲星巴克咖啡館所渲染的氛圍是一種崇尚知識,尊重人本位,帶有一點小資情調的文化。在', 'hits' => '78', 'uid' => '1', 'author' => '未知', 'status' => '9', 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/views-116808', 'link_id' => '0', 'tableid' => '0', 'inputip' => '', 'inputtime' => '1523452194', 'updatetime' => '1523452259', 'displayorder' => '116039', 'source' => '', 'buyurl' => '', 'videourl' => '', 'wjm' => '', 'biaoti' => '', 'shopurl' => '', 'litpic2' => '', 'litpic3' => '', 'beanrank' => '', 'local' => '', 'tel' => '', 'gevideocode' => '', 'myurl' => NULL, ) |
_inputtime | '1523452068' |
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meta_title | '喝咖啡的好處與壞處與咖啡豆種類也有關?12個咖啡種類圖解_咖啡種類_咖啡知識_中國咖啡網' |
meta_keywords | '咖啡,好處,壞處,咖啡豆,種類,有關,12個,圖解,專業,咖' |
meta_description | '專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 咖啡種類 每次與人相約在咖啡店見面,點咖啡時是否看不懂菜單, 不知道該要哪一種? 下面的圖解釋了12種 咖啡的區別,分享給大家: 許多人喜歡喝咖啡,但對咖啡的觀念卻不一定正確' |
cat | array ( 'id' => '664', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡種類', 'dirname' => 'kafeizhonglei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 664, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡種類_咖啡的種類_星巴克咖啡種類_咖啡分類_咖啡豆的種類及特點', 'list_keywords' => '咖啡種類_咖啡的種類_星巴克咖啡種類_咖啡分類_咖啡豆的種類及特點', 'list_description' => '咖啡從山間的農作物,到成爲我們手中的飲料,粗略劃分,經歷了種植、收穫、處理、烘焙、萃取這五大步驟。目前我們看到的所有分類,基本是基於這些步驟中的不同因素/方法而劃分的。大體瞭解這五大步驟後,也就能理解各種玄之又玄的“咖啡分類”。', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '158', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '664', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => '/list-kafeizhonglei.html', 'total' => 158, 'field' => array ( ), ) |
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'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeidou.html', 'total' => 13, 'field' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'id' => '6', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡技術', 'dirname' => 'jishu', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 6, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡技術_咖啡拉花技術', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '3233', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '6', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-jishu.html', 'total' => 3233, 'field' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'id' => '33', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡拉花', 'dirname' => 'kafeilahua', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 1, 'childids' => '33,307,308', 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡拉花視頻_咖啡拉花培訓_咖啡拉花教程', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '咖啡拉花是在原始的卡布奇諾或拿鐵上做出葉子或其他圖案的工藝。拉花起源關於咖啡拉花的起源,其實一直都沒有十分明確的文獻,只知道當時在歐美國家,咖啡拉花都是在咖啡表演時,所展現的高難度專業技術,而如此的創新技巧,所展現的高難度', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '479', 'namerule' => 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,但要仔細研究起來還是有很多講究的.單品豆咖啡的代表品牌,日本的真鍋咖啡就是以手衝咖啡而著稱的.手衝咖啡雖然看起.', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '688', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '53', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-shouchongkafei.html', 'total' => 688, 'field' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'id' => '54', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '冰滴咖啡', 'dirname' => 'bingdikafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 54, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '冰滴咖啡_冰滴咖啡壺_冰滴咖啡做法', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '也稱水滴咖啡、冰釀咖啡,是一種製作咖啡飲品的方式。冰滴式咖啡使用冰水、冷水或冰塊萃取咖啡,這個過程十分緩慢,往往要進行數小時之久,因此冰滴式咖啡的價格較爲昂貴。冰釀咖啡的原理是藉由咖啡本身與水相容的特性,利用冰塊溶化一點一滴萃取而成。萃取出的咖啡,依咖啡烘焙程度、水量、水溫、水滴', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '192', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '54', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-bingdikafei.html', 'total' => 192, 'field' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'id' => '55', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡烘焙', 'dirname' => 'kafeihongpei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 55, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡烘焙_咖啡豆烘焙_咖啡烘焙培訓', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '生咖啡豆本身是沒有任何咖啡的香味兒的,只有在炒熟了之後,才能夠聞到濃郁的咖啡香味兒。所以咖啡豆的烘焙是咖啡豆內部成分的轉化過程,只有經過烘焙之後產生了能夠釋放出咖啡香味的成分,我們才能聞到咖啡的香味兒。但是在咖啡豆的烘焙過程中,成分的轉變是十分複雜的,畢竟咖啡豆是有機物', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '751', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '55', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeihongpei.html', 'total' => 751, 'field' => array ( ), ), 57 => array ( 'id' => '57', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '美式咖啡', 'dirname' => 'meishikafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 57, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '美式咖啡_什麼是美式咖啡_星巴克美式咖啡', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '“美式咖啡”(英文:Americano,意大利語:Caffè Americano)', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '220', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '57', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-meishikafei.html', 'total' => 220, 'field' => array ( ), ), 58 => array ( 'id' => '58', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '意式咖啡', 'dirname' => 'yishikafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 58, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '意式咖啡_意濃咖啡_意式濃縮咖啡_espresso', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '“濃縮咖啡是用7-9克(雙份濃縮的情況下14-18克)咖啡粉製備的25-35毫升(雙份濃縮的情況下0.85-1.2盎司)飲料,使用清潔的水在195°–205°F(90.5-96.1℃),9-10個大氣壓的壓力下萃取,根據研磨粗細的不同,萃取時間爲20-30秒。而在沖泡時,濃縮咖啡應具有溫暖蜂蜜的粘度', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '951', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '58', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-yishikafei.html', 'total' => 951, 'field' => array ( ), ), 59 => array ( 'id' => '59', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '阿拉伯咖啡', 'dirname' => 'alabokafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 59, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}頁{join}]{catpname}{join}{modname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '80', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '59', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-alabokafei.html', 'total' => 80, 'field' => array ( ), ), 60 => array ( 'id' => '60', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '阿拉比卡', 'dirname' => 'alabika', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 60, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '阿拉比卡_阿拉比卡咖啡豆_阿拉比卡和羅布斯塔', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '阿拉比卡豆是商業咖啡中重要的一種,結果期在三年以內,有優質的香味和酸味。阿拉比卡咖啡豆主要產地爲南美洲(阿根廷和巴西部分區域除外)、中美洲、非洲(肯尼亞、埃塞俄比亞...', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '186', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '60', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-alabika.html', 'total' => 186, 'field' => array ( ), ), 61 => array ( 'id' => '61', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '波旁', 'dirname' => 'bopang', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 1, 'childids' => '61,657', 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '波旁咖啡_黃波旁咖啡_波旁咖啡樹', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '波旁咖啡(法語:Café Bourbon)是一種以阿拉比卡咖啡波旁栽培種咖啡樹所產出的咖啡。波旁咖啡最初栽種於留尼汪,當地在1789年前也被稱做波旁島(le Bourbon)。其後來被法國佔領,以與非洲大陸與拉丁美洲相連,其現在亦是兩個全球最普及的阿拉比卡咖啡生產地之一,波旁咖啡通常生產於海拔350', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '74', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '61', 1 => '657', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-bopang.html', 'total' => 6, 'field' => array ( ), ), 62 => array ( 'id' => '62', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '手網烘培', 'dirname' => 'shouwanghongpei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 62, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '手網烘培_自家手網烘培咖啡豆', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '新鮮纔是硬道理,想必對咖啡有了一定知識的人都知道。在家實現親手烘培咖啡豆,最省錢的辦法就是---手濾網烘培。^___^使用這種烘培器具非常便於對烘培要領', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '59', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '62', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-shouwanghongpei.html', 'total' => 59, 'field' => array ( ), ), 93 => array ( 'id' => '93', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '塞風壺', 'dirname' => 'saifenghu', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 93, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '虹吸壺咖啡衝煮方式_塞風壺', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '虹吸壺(Syphon)俗稱「塞風壺」或「虹吸式」,是簡單又好用的咖啡衝煮方法,也是坊間咖啡館最普及的咖啡煮法之一。虹吸壺雖然有「塞風式」的別名,卻與虹吸原理無關,而是利用水加熱後產生水蒸氣,造成熱脹冷縮原理,將下球體的熱水推至上壺,待下壺冷卻後再把上壺的水吸回來', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '112', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '93', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-saifenghu.html', 'total' => 112, 'field' => array ( ), ), 94 => array ( 'id' => '94', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '羅布斯塔', 'dirname' => 'luobusita', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 94, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '羅布斯塔咖啡_羅布斯塔咖啡豆_羅布斯塔豆', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '羅布斯塔種(學名Coffee Robusta Linden),世界上最主要的咖啡樹品種之一。在非洲剛果發現的耐葉鏽病品種,較阿拉比卡種有更強的抗病力。一般咖啡市場上,很多人都喜歡將羅布...', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '73', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '94', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-luobusita.html', 'total' => 73, 'field' => array ( ), ), 100 => array ( 'id' => '100', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡種植', 'dirname' => 'kafeizhongzhi', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 100, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡種植', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '263', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '100', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeizhongzhi.html', 'total' => 263, 'field' => array ( ), ), 101 => array ( 'id' => '101', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡處理法', 'dirname' => 'kafeidouchulifa', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 1, 'childids' => '101,170,171,172', 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡豆加工', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '389', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '101', 1 => '170', 2 => '171', 3 => '172', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeidouchulifa.html', 'total' => 125, 'field' => array ( ), ), 102 => array ( 'id' => '102', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '精品咖啡學', 'dirname' => 'jingpinkafeixue', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 1, 'childids' => '102,656', 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '精品咖啡學 下載_精品咖啡學 電子書_精品咖啡', 'list_keywords' => '精品咖啡學', 'list_description' => '精品咖啡學,半世紀以來,全球精品咖啡的三大波演化,包括第一波的“咖啡速食化”、第二波的“咖啡精品化”以及第三波的“咖啡美學化”,並記述美國“第三波”的三大美學咖啡館與“第二波”龍頭星巴克爾虞我詐的殊死戰。精品咖啡是一個專有名詞,有着嚴格的定義。不同產區的地理環境、氣候特徵和種植傳統所形成的“地域特色', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '1959', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '102', 1 => '656', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-jingpinkafeixue.html', 'total' => 34, 'field' => array ( ), ), 104 => array ( 'id' => '104', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '卡布奇諾', 'dirname' => 'kabuqilu', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 104, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '卡布奇諾_卡布奇諾咖啡_卡布奇諾的含義', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '20世紀初期,意大利人阿奇布夏發明蒸汽壓力咖啡機的同時,也發展出了卡布奇諾咖啡。卡布奇諾是一種加入以同量的意大利特濃咖啡和蒸汽泡沫牛奶相混合的意大利咖啡。此時咖啡的顏色,就像卡布奇諾教會的修士在深褐色的外衣上覆上一條頭巾一樣,咖啡因此得名。傳統的卡布奇諾咖啡是三分之一濃縮咖啡,三分之一蒸汽牛奶和三分', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '170', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '104', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kabuqilu.html', 'total' => 170, 'field' => array ( ), ), 106 => array ( 'id' => '106', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡競賽', 'dirname' => 'kafeijingsai', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 106, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '各類咖啡競賽_WBC_coe卓越杯_WLAC_WCTC_WCRC_WBrC', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '咖啡界有着以“世界咖啡奧林匹克”WBC世界咖啡師大賽爲首的四大咖啡世界大賽——世界百瑞斯塔大賽(WBC)、世界拉花藝術大賽(WLAC)、世界咖啡杯測大賽(WCTC)和世界咖啡烘焙大賽(WCRC)。這些比賽的賽場便是咖啡師的最高榮譽殿堂,是咖啡競技的巔峯演繹。', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '46', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '106', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeijingsai.html', 'total' => 46, 'field' => array ( ), ), 107 => array ( 'id' => '107', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡認證', 'dirname' => 'kafeirenzheng', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 107, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}頁{join}]{catpname}{join}{modname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '30', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '107', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 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'', 'list_description' => ' 那麼製作咖啡的方法和器具到底有多少種?小編來帶大家簡單的過一遍。(吐血整理,請耐心翻閱)1. The Espresso Coffee Machine意式濃縮咖啡機2. The Mocha Pot摩卡壺3. The AeroPress愛樂壓4. The French Press法壓壺5. The S', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '365', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '388', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeiqiju.html', 'total' => 365, 'field' => array ( ), ), 391 => array ( 'id' => '391', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡粉', 'dirname' => 'kafeifen', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 391, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡粉_咖啡粉怎麼煮_咖啡粉怎麼沖泡方法', 'list_keywords' => '咖啡粉', 'list_description' => '掌握咖啡豆研磨粗細度對咖啡而言也是重要的,它直接影響到萃取效果(金盃原則),也就是咖啡風味的濃淡。在相同的泡煮時間:咖啡粉愈細,咖啡味道就愈濃;咖啡粉愈粗,味道就愈淡。萃取時間愈長,豆就要磨得愈粗,以免造成過度萃取,苦澀不堪。萃取時間愈短,豆就要磨得愈細,以免萃取不足。以味覺上來說,如果你覺得喝的咖', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '253', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '391', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeifen.html', 'total' => 253, 'field' => array ( ), ), 392 => array ( 'id' => '392', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡因', 'dirname' => 'kafeiyin', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 392, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡因', 'list_keywords' => '咖啡因', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '93', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '392', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeiyin.html', 'total' => 93, 'field' => array ( ), ), 393 => array ( 'id' => '393', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡風味曲線', 'dirname' => 'kafeifengweiquxian', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 393, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡風味曲線', 'list_keywords' => '咖啡風味曲線', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '11', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '393', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeifengweiquxian.html', 'total' => 11, 'field' => array ( ), ), 659 => array ( 'id' => '659', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡品鑑', 'dirname' => 'kafeizhishi', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 659, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}頁{join}]{catpname}{join}{modname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '49', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '659', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeizhishi.html', 'total' => 49, 'field' => array ( ), ), 661 => array ( 'id' => '661', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡與健康', 'dirname' => 'kafeizhishi', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 661, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '[第{page}頁{join}]{catpname}{join}{modname}{join}{SITE_NAME}', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '50', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '661', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeizhishi.html', 'total' => 50, 'field' => array ( ), ), 663 => array ( 'id' => '663', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '單品咖啡', 'dirname' => 'danpinkafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 663, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '單品咖啡_Single Origin_單品咖啡豆有哪些_單品咖啡和手衝咖啡', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '單品咖啡。 “單品咖啡”泛指這來自單一國家或產區的單一款式咖啡豆。可比方爲咖啡的獨奏曲。', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '54', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '663', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-danpinkafei.html', 'total' => 54, 'field' => array ( ), ), 664 => array ( 'id' => '664', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '咖啡種類', 'dirname' => 'kafeizhonglei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 664, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '咖啡種類_咖啡的種類_星巴克咖啡種類_咖啡分類_咖啡豆的種類及特點', 'list_keywords' => '咖啡種類_咖啡的種類_星巴克咖啡種類_咖啡分類_咖啡豆的種類及特點', 'list_description' => '咖啡從山間的農作物,到成爲我們手中的飲料,粗略劃分,經歷了種植、收穫、處理、烘焙、萃取這五大步驟。目前我們看到的所有分類,基本是基於這些步驟中的不同因素/方法而劃分的。大體瞭解這五大步驟後,也就能理解各種玄之又玄的“咖啡分類”。', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '158', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '664', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeizhonglei.html', 'total' => 158, 'field' => array ( ), ), 665 => array ( 'id' => '665', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '防彈咖啡', 'dirname' => 'fangdankafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 665, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '防彈咖啡_防彈咖啡怎麼做_防彈咖啡配方比例', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '“防彈咖啡”是由一位硅谷工程師所研發,源自西藏“酥油茶”的啓發,配方是“咖啡+奶油+椰子油”,這種“防彈咖啡減肥法”在國內外颳起一陣旋風,不只是減肥,還能活力充沛,什麼鬼?', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '48', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '665', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-fangdankafei.html', 'total' => 48, 'field' => array ( ), ), 666 => array ( 'id' => '666', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '馥芮白', 'dirname' => 'furuibai', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 666, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '馥芮白_星巴克馥芮白_Flat White', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => 'Flat White 直譯爲平白咖啡,又稱“鮮奶濃縮咖啡”,中國星巴克取名“馥芮白咖啡”,源自新西蘭、澳大利亞的花式咖啡。據傳二次大戰時,意大利人移民紐澳兩國並將咖啡文化帶到當地,在 1980 年代衍生出 Flat White 咖啡。', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '48', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '666', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-furuibai.html', 'total' => 48, 'field' => array ( ), ), 668 => array ( 'id' => '668', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '摩卡咖啡', 'dirname' => 'mokakafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 668, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '摩卡咖啡_花式摩卡咖啡_Mocha_摩卡咖啡壺', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '大家一定常常聽到摩卡咖啡,但是一般人都是認爲 摩卡 就是 咖啡 + 牛奶 +巧克力但實際上,最正統的摩卡咖啡並不是如此喔 ^^什麼是摩卡(Mocha)咖啡?', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '67', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '668', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-mokakafei.html', 'total' => 67, 'field' => array ( ), ), 669 => array ( 'id' => '669', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '花式咖啡', 'dirname' => 'huashikafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 669, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '花式咖啡_自制花式咖啡有哪些_花式咖啡教學', 'list_keywords' => '花式咖啡', 'list_description' => '花式咖啡就是加入了調味品以及其他飲品的咖啡。 1--花式咖啡不只是拉花。其實花式咖啡並不需要拉花,拉花只是爲了咖啡的造型更好看一點,可拉也可不拉。花式咖啡無非比單品咖啡多加些其他原料,比如:牛奶、巧克力醬、酒、茶、奶油等。花式咖啡沒有太多的定義,也不能算是真正的咖啡,只能算是一種飲料。你自己也可以做', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '40', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '669', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-huashikafei.html', 'total' => 40, 'field' => array ( ), ), 670 => array ( 'id' => '670', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '愛爾蘭咖啡', 'dirname' => 'aierlankafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 670, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '愛爾蘭咖啡_愛爾蘭咖啡的做法_愛爾蘭咖啡的故事', 'list_keywords' => '愛爾蘭咖啡的故事', 'list_description' => '愛爾蘭咖啡並不是傳統意義上的咖啡。愛爾蘭咖啡可以代表愛爾蘭人追求自由的精神。愛爾蘭咖啡名字裏就帶著一陣威士忌濃烈的薰香,愛爾蘭人視威士忌如生命,也少不了在咖啡中做些手腳!以威士忌調成的愛爾蘭咖啡,更能將咖啡的酸甜味道襯托出來,讓你在品味咖啡的同時感受到酒精的濃烈。一杯愛爾蘭咖啡就像冬晨冉冉升起的太陽', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '14', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '670', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-aierlankafei.html', 'total' => 14, 'field' => array ( ), ), 671 => array ( 'id' => '671', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '炭燒咖啡', 'dirname' => 'tanshaokafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 671, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '炭燒咖啡_碳燒咖啡_藍山炭燒咖啡多少錢', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '碳燒咖啡,又名苦咖啡,是指烘焙咖啡的火源是用碳火,有時還採用特殊木材作爲燃料,碳燒咖啡的起源是據說是日本所研發的口味,用碳火所烘烤出來的咖啡豆會帶有木香味,而不是碳燒味。而純粹的重焙造就了這種碳燒咖啡獨特的口味,其香味特殊,甘,醇,濃郁,極苦。', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '8', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '671', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-tanshaokafei.html', 'total' => 8, 'field' => array ( ), ), 672 => array ( 'id' => '672', 'pid' => '4', 'pids' => '0,4', 'name' => '冷萃咖啡', 'dirname' => 'lingcuikafei', 'pdirname' => 'kafeizhishi/', 'child' => 0, 'childids' => 672, 'thumb' => '', 'show' => '1', 'setting' => array ( 'edit' => 1, 'disabled' => 0, 'getchild' => 1, 'linkurl' => '', 'urlrule' => 3, 'seo' => array ( 'list_title' => '冷萃咖啡_冷泡咖啡_冰釀咖啡_星巴克冷萃咖啡', 'list_keywords' => '', 'list_description' => '冷萃咖啡Cold Brew Coffee就是用冷水浸泡咖啡粉12小時以上進行萃取再過濾,類似冷泡茶的做法。極端一點的,採用冰水混合物浸泡咖啡(冰滴就是這個原理,冰塊融化滴入咖啡粉,要滴一天),或者時間延長至48小時。', ), 'template' => 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'咖啡培訓_咖啡師培訓_咖啡學院_最好的咖啡學校', 'list_description' => '咖啡師的入行門檻低,待遇亦不錯,“而且咖啡是僅次於石油的第二大貿易商品,咖啡因此也被稱爲‘黑金’(Black Gold),全世界都有咖啡店,大家也喜愛咖啡,擁有這門專業的話,去哪裏工作都可以呀', ), 'template' => array ( 'pagesize' => 20, 'mpagesize' => 20, 'page' => 'page.html', 'list' => 'list.html', 'category' => 'category.html', 'search' => 'search.html', 'show' => 'show.html', ), 'cat_field' => '', 'module_field' => '', 'html' => 0, ), 'displayorder' => '0', 'acount' => '38', 'namerule' => '{typedir}/{Y}{M}{D}{aid}.html', 'namerule2' => '{typedir}/list_{tid}_{page}.html', 'mid' => 'article', 'pcatpost' => 1, 'topid' => '4', 'domain' => '', 'catids' => array ( 0 => '673', ), 'is_post' => 1, 'mobile_domain' => '', 'tid' => 1, 'url' => 'https://gafei.com/list-kafeipeixun.html', 'total' => 38, 'field' => array ( ), ), ) |
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