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'全球25間此生必去的咖啡館 如果經過,請勿錯過!' |
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'全球,25間,此生,去的,咖啡館,如果,經過,請勿,錯過,因' |
description |
'因爲現代人越來越崇尚慢步調的生活,於是街邊的咖啡館開始大肆林立,爲的是在你爲了生活忙着奔走的時候,腳痠了有個地方可以停下來休息,小憩一下,甚至後來變得更爲體貼,除了休息之外還能品嚐美食或專業飲品,但是一家咖啡廳最重要的靈魂所在還是咖啡,小' |
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1.Heart Coffee Roasters-波特蘭,俄勒岡州</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 3" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033BZ4-0.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361I2-1.jpg" /></center>
a shot of espresso(濃縮), a shot of cappuccino(卡布奇諾), and a cold-brew(冰滴) cascara refresher這3杯爲一組的獨特咖啡體驗,是你到這家店一定要來嘗試的。</p>
3.Stumptown Coffee Roasters-洛杉磯</p>
<img alt="" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033CD5-2.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033622a-3.jpg" width="410" /></center>
4.Blue Bottle Coffee-屋侖,加州</p>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033B0C-4.jpg" width="324" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033625Y-5.jpg" width="657" /></center>
5.Coffee Supreme-威靈頓,紐西蘭</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 15" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033BD3-6.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033635N-7.jpg" width="410" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362P4-8.jpg" width="410" /></center>
6.Cafe Craft-巴黎</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 18" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033624N-9.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361L8-10.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033C458-11.jpg" width="324" /></center>
7.Analog Coffee-卡佳利,加拿大</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 19" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503364600-12.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361527-13.jpg" width="410" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033BA5-14.jpg" width="410" /></center>
8.Coffee Academics-香港</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 25" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033BJ3-15.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="735" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361135-16.jpg" width="490" /></center>
<img alt="" height="735" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503364507-17.jpg" width="490" /></center>
9.Cielito Querido Café-墨西哥城</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 22" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033A343-18.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033C928-19.jpg" width="324" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033A543-20.jpg" width="657" /></center>
10.Dreamy Camera Cafe-楊平郡,韓國</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 33" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033630K-21.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503363557-22.jpg" width="410" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033A5A-23.jpg" width="410" /></center>
11.Workshop Coffee-倫敦</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 28" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361049-24.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362038-25.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503364516-26.jpg" width="324" /></center>
12.Coffee Collective-哥本哈根,丹麥</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 39" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033630N-27.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033B314-28.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033AE7-29.jpg" width="324" /></center>
13.Rosetta Roastery-開普敦,南非</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 38" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503363064-30.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033B2L-31.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503364R4-32.jpg" width="324" /></center>
14.Forty Ninth Parallel-溫哥華,加拿大</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 40" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033A5Z-33.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033A616-34.jpg" width="324" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503364295-35.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 41" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033B208-36.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033C933-37.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362195-38.jpg" width="324" /></center>
16.Addison & Steele-珀斯,澳洲</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 50" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362542-39.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033611a-40.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033B1O-41.jpg" width="324" /></center>
17.Drop Coffee Roasters-斯德哥爾摩,瑞典</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 74" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033A929-42.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033613O-43.jpg" width="410" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361022-44.jpg" width="410" /></center>
18.Small Batch Coffee-布萊頓,英國</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 47" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362A6-45.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="657" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033625a-46.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="657" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033C305-47.jpg" width="324" /></center>
這裏可以看到整個城市最棒的景觀,這時候再來上一杯iced flat white(澳式咖啡牛奶),一天的疲憊就這樣消失。</p>
19.Bonanza Coffee-柏林,德國</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 49" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361964-48.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362263-49.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033B2H-50.jpg" width="324" /></center>
20.Mind the Cup-雅典,希臘</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 73" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033610N-51.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033BL1-52.jpg" width="324" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033641M-53.jpg" width="657" /></center>
21.Café Grumpy-紐約,美國</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 48" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362R8-54.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362644-55.jpg" width="657" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503363521-56.jpg" width="324" /></center>
這裏的咖啡師可是大有來頭,Lena Dunham(HBO影集《Girls》的原創人也是一位知名導演),除了這個之外,咖啡搭配macaron也是你一定要來嘗試的美味組合。</p>
22.Da Matteo-哥特堡,瑞典</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 72" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361537-57.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033B149-58.jpg" width="410" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503363230-59.jpg" width="410" /></center>
23.Stragan Kawiarnia-波茲南,波蘭</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 52" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503362161-60.jpg" /></center>
24.Screaming Beans-阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭</p>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 51" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033A3Q-61.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503361C5-62.jpg" width="410" /></center>
<img alt="" height="410" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503363L3-63.jpg" width="410" /></center>
<img alt="25 Coffee Shops Around The World You Need To See Before You Die 75" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503363146-64.jpg" /></center>
<img alt="" height="490" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/15033CV3-65.jpg" width="324" /></center>
<img alt="" src="/uploads/allimg/150810/1503363939-66.jpg" style="width: 657px; height: 490px; " /></center>
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'title' => '租金高昂40%咖啡館面臨虧損 插件式咖啡館成新趨勢',
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'keywords' => '租金,高昂,40%,咖啡館,面臨,虧損,插件,成新,趨勢,咖',
'description' => '喝咖啡、泡咖啡館,已經成爲城市新興的生活方式。近年來,中國咖啡行業以超20%的消費增速領跑最具投資價值的消費領域,前景一片大好,以環市路上的中環廣場爲例,百米範圍內便雲集了星巴克、LAVAZA、COSTA等一線連鎖咖啡品牌,往附近逛一圈,虹吸玩、花園咖',
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'keywords' => '衆籌,咖啡館,也是,創業者,基地,慧谷,咖啡,聯合,創始人,',
'description' => '慧谷咖啡聯合創始人楊晏 □記者魏浩實習生王朵 本報訊除了賣咖啡,慧谷還幹一些副業:與大河報一道組織創客遊學團,教創業者做PPT、做商業計劃書。除了這些,這家咖啡館還有什麼服務?記者將爲你一一打探。 選擇慧谷咖啡作爲大河創客的實訓基地,並非因爲它創',
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'全球25間此生必去的咖啡館 如果經過,請勿錯過!_咖啡資訊_咖啡新聞_中國咖啡網' |
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'全球,25間,此生,去的,咖啡館,如果,經過,請勿,錯過,因' |
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'因爲現代人越來越崇尚慢步調的生活,於是街邊的咖啡館開始大肆林立,爲的是在你爲了生活忙着奔走的時候,腳痠了有個地方可以停下來休息,小憩一下,甚至後來變得更爲體貼,除了休息之外還能品嚐美食或專業飲品,但是一家咖啡廳最重要的靈魂所在還是咖啡,小' |
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